April 30, 2007

A Humbling Experience

It was 15 years ago this very minute that Jefferson Hunter Quinn was born (12:25am). I remember that night with incredible clarity. I was flying the Falcon back from Boise, Idaho, after taking some parts to one of our broken jets, when I got a radio call from our base in San Diego, California, alerting me that Ginger had gone in to labor and was on her way to Balboa Naval Hospital. I pushed the power up and flew as fast as that jet would fly and made it back to San Diego around 11:00pm. The base duty driver met me when I climbed out of the jet and drove me over to Balboa Naval Hospital. When I walked in to the Labor and Delivery area, they handed me a set of scrubs to change in to and said Ginger was already in the surgery room, that our baby would be delivered by Cesarean Section. I walked in, saw Ginger laying on the surgery table, and realized that all the Lamaze Classes I took wouldn't help me now. They placed me by Ginger's head and I looked over the curtain and watched as they began the surgery/delivery. Needless to say, I got really light headed, had to sit down, recovered nicely, and took some incredible pictures of Hunter's birth! What a powerful experience! What a blessing he's been to our family. I was humbled that day, April 30, 1992, at 12:25am, and I continue to stand humbly in his shadow as he had grown in to a wonderful, Godly young man. I love you Hunter.... I hope you have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Haley J Quinn said...

Happy 15th Birthday, Hunter!!!!!!!!!!
I know that you are a wonderful boy.
I hope that you will drive safely when the time comes. lol