April 18, 2007

Can You Afford To Retire?

United Airlines Bankruptcy ended my thought of retiring at age 60. PBS investigative report, Frontline, uncovers United Airlines deceit to its employees. This video is 18 minutes in length and is a very revealing confession from the lead United Airlines bankruptcy lawyer. It details United Airlines deceitful process of gutting employees pay and benefits while promising to save pensions; then taking those pensions and admitting they were gone from the first day of bankruptcy. Interestingly, UAL CEO, Glenn Tilton, negotiated (prior to bankruptcy) special protection for his personal retirement of 4.5 million, while the employees were forced, with the threat of liquidation, to hand over their hard earned pensions. Then, less than 1 year removed from bankruptcy, UAL CEO, Glenn Tilton's 2006 compensation totals almost 24 million dollars. Sara Fields, Senior Vice President Office of the Chairman (whatever that is) was the lowest paid executive at 8.5 million in 2006. She was paid more than Southwest Airlines Top 5 executives cumulatively. In fact UAL CEO, Glenn Tilton alone received over 4 times the compensation of all 5 top Southwest Airlines executives combined, including Southwest Founder, Herb Kelleher.

I suddenly have a foul taste in my mouth...

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