August 11, 2007


Okay.... I'm going to attempt to make this my last post regarding "Brian Regan". However, I reserve the right to retract that statement because I find him absolutely hilarious! My days aren't that exciting anyway as I review my schedule. Let's see, waking up at 9 and visiting all my favorite web sites, followed by working out and using the rest of the day to recover. Check, check and check. Now that I've reviewed my schedule, I've noticed that it's that same whether I'm flying a trip or at home, what's up with that? I've got to get going, I've got a full day ahead of me. I'm planning on shaking up my routine a bit by visiting Barnes and Noble and shoving my way through the crowd of 10 year olds who are looking for "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows". I'll be shouting, "Make way, Coming through!" as I search for the latest from Christopher Paolini and the Inheritance Trilogy. Anyway, back to my original thought.... Brian Reagan and Flying. I have to give credit to Hunter, he sent this to me and we (Hunter, Haley and I) cannot get enough.

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