June 07, 2007

Emotionally Speaking

It seems as though the older I get, I'll be 47 this month, the more emotional I've become. What's up with that? I find myself with blurry eyes as I watch movies that tug at the heart strings... and, I also watch American Idol (yes, I'm comfortable saying both of those things). However, emotional movies and American Idol are not my point. Hopefully, I can tie them together. I heard American Idol contestant, Phil Stacy sing "The Change" by Garth Brooks, and he spoke of how this song, from the "Fresh Horses" CD, was released after the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing. I have to say, it's one of those songs that hits me; when I let my mind take me back to that day's events and how Oklahoma City came together with incredible acts of bravery and heroism. I was profoundly moved when I took Hunter and Haley to the "OKC Bombing Memorial" almost to the point that I couldn't continue the tour. This song takes me back and I remember....


Haley J Quinn said...

I remember the day that we went to the Bombing Memorial well. It was a great experience! I think everyone should go. The thing is that we have only been once.

Jeff said...

I think now, I could handle it again. The first time, it was still so fresh on our minds, plus I wasn't sure what to expect. Now I do.