June 21, 2007

The Cradle of Naval Aviation

Hunter and I recently flew to Washington, DC, where we picked up my truck which was parked at the Airport Employee Parking Lot (back when I was based in DC) and drove to Oklahoma City via Pensacola, Florida (The Cradle of Naval Aviation). Before we left DC, I took Hunter to my favorite Mexican Restaurant. I have to say, they have the best chips and salsa I've ever tasted; remember, I'm an expert... I've eaten all over the world. I'm pleased to announce they have a location in Dallas. Hunter, Haley and I are already planning a trip to Dallas just for the chips and salsa. Hunter's planning on blogging our trip, so I'll leave the details to him. My only comments are echoed on the Pensacola Beach Sign, "World's Whitest Beaches". The sand and water are spectacular. Hunter was kind enough to listen as I regaled him with stories of my days as a student and instructor pilot with the Navy in Pensacola. And yes, we did attend the Blue Angels practice show. Be sure to check out all the details on Hunter's Blog. As of today, he's still working on the final draft. I'm sure it'll be worth it!


Haley J Quinn said...

I think that Hunter enjoyed listening to your stories. You always make them funny. lol

Anonymous said...

PSSST...you need to write more!